Monocotyle planten

  • Wetenschappelijke naamgeving
  • Monocot - Definition and Examples of Monocotyledon - Biology D…
  • Monocotyledonous plants: what they are and examples

  • An abbreviation of the botanical term, Monocotyledon, designating a flowering plant (angiosperm) that has only one seed leaf, or cotyledon, in the embryo, e.g., wheat, maize, rye, oats, rice, .
  • monocotyle planten
    1. Monocotyledon - New World Encyclopedia One of the most used classifications at an academic level among angiosperm plants, or flowering plants, is the one that serves to differentiate between monocots and .
      Eenzaadlobbigen - Wikipedia Monocotyledons, also called monocots, are a class of flowering plants that have only one seed leaf in the embryo contained in the seed. BiologyWise provides information on the .
      Monocotyledonous plants: what they are and examples - AgroCorrn De eenzaadlobbigen , ook wel Monocotyledones of monocotylen genoemd, zijn een omvangrijke groep van planten.
  • Monocot - Definition and Examples of Monocotyledon
  • Monocotyledon

  • Monocotyledonous plants: what they are and examples
  • Monocotyl

  • Monocots
  • Monocotyledon - New World Encyclopedia
  • Monocotyledonous plants: what they are and examples .
    Monocotyledon .
    Monocots .
    Monocotyl .


  • Monocotyledon