Moola mantra tekst

Moola mantra meaning

  • The term "Mool Mantar" combines "Mool," meaning "root" or "main," and "Mantar," meaning "chant" or "incantation," thus translating to the "Root Chant" or "Basic Statement." This lays Missing: tekst.
  • Moola mantra lyrics
  • Moola mantra lyrics in Sanskrit:
    1. Moola Mantra by Deva Premal: Lyrics, Meaning & Benefits All auspiciousness and serenity is yours simply by chanting or listening to this magnificent Moola Mantra. Even without knowing this is of it, this chant carries divine power. Missing: tekst.
      Deva Premal - Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahman (Moola Mantra) (English translation) Post a Comment.
      Mantra Lyrics: Moola Mantra This mantra evokes the living God, asking protection and freedom from all sorrow and suffering.
      Blog Archive .
  • Om Sat Chit Ananda Parabrahman (Moola Mantra)
  • Moola mantra tekst .
    English translation .
    Moola Mantra by Deva Premal: Lyrics, Meaning & Benefits .
    Moola mantra meaning .
  • Translation in English:
  • Mantra Lyrics: Moola Mantra - Blogger
  • Moola mantra betekenis

  • Moola mantra tekst
  • Moola mantra tekst

  • moola mantra tekst
  • Moola mantra lyrics

  • Moola mantra betekenis